Sphere Blog

March 27, 2007

The New NewTeeVee- Nice!

Filed under: Sphere Blog Partners — sphere @ 12:02 am


We’re loving the updated NewTeeVee site, a Sphere It partner. NewTeeVee is one of the excellent blogs in the GigaOm Network (GigaOm; WebWorkerDaily; GigaGamez; NewTeeVee). Om and his team have been awesome partners to Sphere. Along with Liz Gannes (a lead writer on the site) and their lead designer Nicolo Volpato, they’ve put in place a new visual design along with some great new features, my favorite being the VodPod videos displayed at the top of the page. We launched our Sphere It widget on their site a few months ago and to celebrate the new design, our team has updated the Sphere It widget, using our latest design techniques to pick up icons in our header. In this case, an orange retro TV. Congrats to Om, Liz, Nicolo and the GigaOm team.

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